While writing Next.js, I encountered a bug that was a result of a browser API (Local Storage) being rendered on the server and thus I decided to deep dive into some of the browser APIs to get versed knowledge just out of curiosity. Here is curated documentation of the knowledge hunt.
Browser APIs:
Programming interfaces provided by web browsers
Enable web applications to interact with browser and device features
Key types include:
DOM API (manipulate web page)
Geolocation API (access device location)
Fetch API (make network requests)
Web Storage API (store data in browser)
DOM (Document Object Model) API: Purpose:
Allows JavaScript to interact with HTML/XML documents
Represents webpage as a tree of objects (nodes)
Enables dynamic content manipulation
Key Capabilities:
Select elements
Modify content
Create/remove elements
Change styles
Handle events
// Selecting elements
const heading = document.getElementById('title');
const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');
// Modifying content
heading.textContent = 'New Heading';
heading.style.color = 'blue';
// Creating elements
const newDiv = document.createElement('div');
// Event handling
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('Button clicked!');
Fetch API: Purpose:
A modern way to make network requests
Replace older XMLHttpRequest
Promise-based asynchronous data fetching
Key Features:
Simple, clean syntax
Support for various request methods
Easy promise chaining
Built-in request/response handling
// GET Request
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
// POST Request
fetch('https://api.example.com/users', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
name: 'John',
age: 30
Geolocation API: Purpose:
Access the user's geographical location
Get latitude/longitude
Retrieve location details
Enable location-based services
Key Capabilities:
Get current position
Watch position changes
Handle location errors
Configurable accuracy
// Check if geolocation supported
if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
// Success callback
(position) => {
const latitude = position.coords.latitude;
const longitude = position.coords.longitude;
console.log(`Latitude: ${latitude}, Longitude: ${longitude}`);
// Error callback
(error) => {
console.error("Error getting location:", error.message);
// Options
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 5000,
maximumAge: 0
// Continuous location tracking
const watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
(position) => {
// Handle position updates
(error) => {
// Handle errors
// Stop tracking
Web Storage API Overview: Purpose:
Client-side data storage mechanism
Allows websites to store key-value pairs in browser
Provides two primary storage objects:
Key Characteristics:
Store data as strings
Synchronous API
Domain-specific storage
Simple key-value interface
Larger storage capacity compared to cookies
Persists data across browser sessions
No expiration time
Shared across browser tabs/windows
Maximum storage ~5-10MB
// Storing data
localStorage.setItem('username', 'JohnDoe');
localStorage.setItem('isLoggedIn', 'true');
// Retrieving data
const username = localStorage.getItem('username');
const loginStatus = localStorage.getItem('isLoggedIn');
// Removing specific item
// Clear all localStorage
Data persists only during a browser session
Data cleared when tab/window closes
Isolated per tab/window
Useful for temporary data storage
// Storing session-specific data
sessionStorage.setItem('tempCartItems', JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]));
// Retrieving data
const cartItems = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('tempCartItems'));
Advanced Usage:
// Storing complex objects
const user = {
name: 'John',
age: 30,
preferences: ['dark mode']
// JSON stringify to store objects
localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(user));
// Parse back to object
const storedUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'));
Storage Event:
Triggered when storage changes
Works across different tabs/windows
window.addEventListener('storage', (event) => {
console.log('Storage changed:', event.key);
console.log('Old value:', event.oldValue);
console.log('New value:', event.newValue);
Security Considerations:
Store only non-sensitive data
Can be accessed by any script on same domain
Vulnerable to XSS attacks
Not encrypted by default
Use Cases:
User preferences
Theme settings
Shopping cart items
Form data
Authentication tokens (with caution)
Stores only strings
Limited storage space
Synchronous (can block main thread)
No built-in encryption
Comparative Analysis:
DOM API: Client-side manipulation
Fetch API: Network communication
Geolocation API: Location services
Use Cases:
DOM API: Dynamic web interfaces
Fetch API: Data retrieval/submission
Geolocation API:
Maps integration
Location-based recommendations
Tracking delivery services
Local weather information
Security Considerations:
Geolocation requires user permission
Fetch has CORS restrictions
DOM manipulation can be sanitized to prevent XSS
Performance Tips:
Minimize DOM manipulations
Use efficient selectors
Handle fetch errors gracefully
Request location permissions carefully
Advanced Techniques:
Combine APIs for rich experiences
Implement error handling
Use modern JavaScript features
Each API serves a unique purpose in web development, enabling powerful, interactive web applications by bridging browser capabilities with JavaScript functionality.